Our mission
in science development
EI Expert
How does the test look like?
Participants are provided with descriptions of emotional problems, and asked to indicate which emotion is most probable in a given situation, or to suggest the most appropriate action.
What is the scoring method?
Scoring is based on the judgments of experts: professional psychotherapists, trainers, and HR specialists.
Why is the test a good measure of emotional intelligence?
The validation study showed that the TIE is a reliable and valid test, suitable for both scientific research and individual assessment. Its internal consistency measures were as high as .88. In line with theoretical model of emotional intelligence, the results of the TIE shared about 10% of common variance with a general intelligence test, and were independent of major personality dimensions.

EI Expert
Read the full-text of a peer-reviewed research article by Magdalena Śmieja, Jarosław Orzechowski and Maciej S. Stolarski (2014) published in PloS One:
TIE is currently available for commercial use and for scientific purposes in Poland.
The adaptation process is currently being conducted in:
- Great Britain,
- Germany,
- Spain,
- Italy
- and Singapore.
If you wish to adapt the TIE test in your country, please read the Terms and conditions of the TIE test adaptation and contact us.
If you wish to use the TIE test in your scientific project in one (or more) of the above listed countries, please read carefully the Terms of the TIE test use for scientific purposes and fill in the below questionnaire.
Using the TIE test in your research is easy! Look at the three steps of our cooperation:
- Once we positively evaluate your application, we will provide you with the electronic version of the TIE test.
- After all the participants have performed the test, we will provide you with the calculated results.
- Within a month upon the successful scientific publication of your project’s results, you should send us a short report containing the most important information regarding (1) inspiration/motivation to conduct the research, (2) the methodology, (3) the obtained results and (4) conclusions from the research.
EI Expert – Emotional Intelligence Diagnosis and Training System based on TIE serves for commercial use by business psychologists (trainers, coaches, recruiters, managers, psychotherapists, etc.). It was created as a result of long and intensive research process. We want it to continue serving science and, as a consequence, contribute to a better understanding of emotional intelligence, as it is a key ability for human functioning in multiple areas of professional and personal life. This is why we allow to use the TIE test for research purposes free of charge.
If you are interested in commercial use of TIE in your country, please contact us.